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Tomb Hazrat Mosa Pak Shaheed
Sarafa Bazar Road, Sarafa Bazar, Multan

Government & Public Places » Graveyard

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Shaikh Abdul Hassan Hafiz Jamaluddin Musa (Musa Pak Shaheed), a descendant of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Gilani and a son of Syed Hamid Bakhsh, was born at Uch Sharif in 952 AH/1545 AD and was martyred in 1001/ 1592 or 1010/1601 Gilani, p. 246) – some say at the age of 85 (in 1630) by some raiders near Mangehatti south of Multan. His body was brought into Multan in AD 1616 and reburied at the present site. He served in the army of Akbar the Great, for some time and also stayed in Agra and Delhi (985AH/ and finally with the permission of the emperor returned to Uch Sharif and then to Multan. He was initially buried in Uch Sharif near the grave of his father Syed Hamid Ganj Bakhsh. In the year 1616 his body was removed to Multan where it was buried in the premises of a Haveli donated by Rind Baloches. But it is strange that a partially preserved Persian inscription in stone still preserved on the site reads: Ta’amir Shaikh Hamid bin Shaikh Jeelani Shanzdeh 1005 which gives 1596 AD as the year of construction of the tomb.

Description / Main Features
The shrine proper comprises a square building, measuring 22x22feet internally, standing on four huge arches with the two half-domed lobbies on east and west. The latter converted into closed room for female graves. In the northern side there is an opening fixed with a wooden jali which is heavily painted. The Eastern lobby has a square verandah used as entrance vestibule. The wooden door has been covered with a silver sheath - a work probably of some Bahawalpuri silversmith. The dome has sparsely arranged band, and a central rosette of original workmanship. The walls are covered up till 8 to10 feet with new glazed ceramic tiles and inscription on the south side but on all other sides with modern mirror work which is badly damaged due to dampness from the adjoining walls. The grave of the saint is under a wooden canopy now painted in a gold and green color. On the exterior only the northern façade has been given the look of a proper entrance but with a trellis window instead of a proper door. The façade is completely covered with white wash and blue glazed tiles. The work was carried out in 1331 AH /1912 AH by Munshi Jan Muhammad.

A house on the west abuts the historic structure which should be removed immediately as it damaging the historic structure due to seepage & water penetration.
Access / Environs

The shrine is situated inside the Pak Gate and access is through the main street leading in from Pak Gate. The shrine has a gateway decorated with Multani tiles leading into a large open courtyard with residences of the Gilani family around the court
Present Condition

The building was reconstructed during the Sikh and the British periods. It has been renovated again with unseemly mirror work. It appears most of the original work has been destroyed.

Added by: Muhammad on 20/05/2011 and last edited by Aisha on 24/01/2012

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