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13, Usmani Road, Block Abock, New Garden Town, Lahore

Education » Specialty School / Training

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HUNERKADA College of Visual and performing Arts is a response to the necessity that has always played a very significant part in the development of man and his milieu. It has been one of the most effective and harmless means of communication through out the history of mankind by being a catalyst in making people aware of their situations and surroundings, encouraging them to become partners in the process of change.

Ours fortunately is a land that can boast of being one of the oldest, and the most enviable cultural heritage in the world. The same proud resources, ironically, have also been a victim of the worst form of neglect due to lack of vision and responsibility on the part of apathetic decision-makers responsible for creating an almost un-bridgeable abyss between our proud past and not so happy present.

HUNERKADA therefore is also an initiative by a group of concerned professionals aiming to bridge this seemingly infinite divide between our misdirected potential and the damage that has been done so far.

HUNERKADA is a project of the Artist Association of Pakistan registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 registration No.RS/ICT/167 of 1992.

(042) 3550-3880, (042) 3588-3132
Added by: Mouzzam on 01/06/2011 and last edited by Fayyaz on 12/07/2011

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