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Green Hall Academy
9, Main Market, Block F, Gulberg 2, Lahore

Education » Tutoring Centre / Academy

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The Green Hall Academy is a blend of innovation and tradition. It is a broad-based educational institution incorporating all the components of children's development. It does not claim miracles but offers clearly formulated policy with regard to the children's future. It provides widest possible opportunities for the development and display of their talent. At Green Hall Academy, the child grows up in a civilized and disciplined environment. Highly-qualified staff is inducted to meet the requirements/challenges of the new millennium. The faculty deeply cares for the pupils and provides immediate attention/guidance for any problem/perplexity observed. The Academy is just the right-size, big enough to produce first-rate pupils ready for the best colleges, yet small enough for the Principal to know each pupil by name and know the child as an individual.

(0312) 5314148
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